
The TrendPhysics®® real-time API is designed to give scientists, and engineers the ability to integrate TrendPhysics®® data into their own in-house data solutions, as well as create new products and research.

What is the TrendPhysics®® API?

The TrendPhysics®® API offers hundreds of curated data endpoints from the major social networks processed through our social media statistical software package. We receive raw social media data and analyze, perform statistics, and aggregate given the user’s parameters. We then offer this processed data to be queried by third-parties, to help save time and effort for scientists and developers downstream.

Add Your Profiles

The TrendPhysics®® API offers hundreds of curated data endpoints from the major social networks processed through our social media statistical software package. We receive raw social media data and analyze, perform statistics, and aggregate given the user’s parameters. We then offer this processed data to be queried by third-parties, to help save time and effort for scientists and developers downstream.

Content Discovery Library

Functions available in the TrendPhysics®® web application, such as statistical analysis package functions, aggregating by relative time, segmenting by content type, and querying by text, are applied to the raw data and output in our API. Historical data is also accessible for retrospective analysis. Feature components such as Collections, Labels. Developers are able to access our database via a REST API call

Free Public EngageIndex Database

For over five years our internal research team has maintained the EngageIndex, a freely available interactive public dataset containing tens of thousands of trending social profiles and historical performance scores, organized by sector for relevant comparisons and analysis.

The EngageIndex distills engagement, content, page performance into a single comprehensive profile performance metric to identify which profiles are trending relative to their peers.

All users are invited to explore the TrendPhysics®®’ social media analysis features using the EngageIndex dataset, and are free to use for their own research projects.

Functions available in the TrendPhysics®® web application, such as statistical analysis package functions, aggregating by relative time, segmenting by content type, and querying by text, are applied to the raw data and output in our API. Historical data is also accessible for retrospective analysis. Feature components such as Collections, Labels. Developers are able to access our database via a REST API call

The Emergent SAE API provides a platform for Emergent SAE to be accessed by Emergent Application and third-party developers. The Emergent SAE API allows social media researchers, engagement scientists, and business leaders to obtain all of the top-level analysis of Emergent while integrating into their own applications. Anyone can begin building applications with Emergent quickly and easily. Those with programming experience will find it very simple, and those with little will be able to build those skills while working with an incredibly fascinating dataset.

The Emergent API acts as an intermediary between social media API's and your application. This means you can harness both the power of the social API in it's raw form, while simultaneously receiving processed data from our API. For example, social API's do not keep public historical records of the 'number of likes' per day, and is therefore unavailable after the current time. Our API both provides access to this information in an easily accessible manner, as well as higher level information such as average growth, cumulative growth, and even more complex insights such as time-series analysis.

TrendPhysics®® Social is built on the TrendPhysics®® API (Application Programming Interface) that helps allow developers to quickly and easily handle troves social analytic data and content media. TrendPhysics®® Developers use our data to create their own interactive social applications, use in mobile technologies, create games and microcampaigns, and drive user interaction through the exploration of our data and visual tools. Utilize our community tag system, sentiment insight, and analytic summaries to find historical data and create your own incredible applications.

TrendPhysics®® has been transforming social thinking at businesses, organizations, and universities worldwide since 2012.

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EngageIndex Free

Priority Inbox Stream

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