Forever Free; Go Pro for $9.99/mo

Create Collections, Add Profiles, and Compare them on the EngageIndex for free, forever.

Go Pro to Unlock Profile Tracking, Analysis, and Collaborative reporting.


Track, Collect, and Compare profiles on the EngageIndex


Unlimited Collections

Unlimited Comparisons

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TrendPhysics® Pro

Monitor, Analyze, Report and Collaborate for $9.99/mo

10 Social Profiles

Real-time Content Stream

Complete Analytics Tracking

Post Dynamics

Unlimited Collections

Unlimited Comparisons

Unlimited Reports

Team Collaboration

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For large-scale customers, researchers, and developers

Unlimited profiles

Predictive Analytics

API Layer Access

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a profile?

A profile is any social media account on Facebook or Twitter maintained by a person or a company. TrendPhysics® empowers you to track the posts and performance of any social media profile.

How does the free trial work?

Create an account to begin searching for profiles that interest you, and save them to a collection of similar profiles so you can quickly browse through them later. Start following profiles to unlock all TrendPhysics® data and tools for that profile. Your free trial includes following of 5 profiles for 30 days. After the trial continue following 10 profiles for $9.99 per month.

What happens after the trial ends?

Continue to follow and track an unlimited number of collected profiles for $Z per month.

Do I need a credit card to sign up?

No payment is required to create a permanent user account. To unlock all TrendPhysics® features, sign up for a one month free trial and afterward our monthly subscription plan for access to all features and unlimited profiles. TrendPhysics® accepts PayPal and all major credit cards.

How do I search for profiles?

Use the search box at the top of the screen to find any social media account on Facebook or Twitter that interests you or your company.

How do I measure engagement?

Every time a user likes or retweets a post, leaves a comment, gives a reaction or shares a post, that post has received some act of Engagement. Total acts of engagement may be tracked and broken down on the Engagement tab of any profile.

Start using TrendPhysics® and transform your social media strategy today

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