API: Extending the Platform

TrendPhysics Enterprise

Deploy our platform with your own internal dataset to empower your team with an interactive discovery tool to augment decision-making

The TrendPhysics Platform user interface, complete with statistical and textual analysis, live monitoring, internal tagging systems, team user management, robust searching, and a flexible API can be extended and deployed for nearly any custom internal dataset. The advantage of an incredibly intuitive interface, automated statistical analysis, and a flexible research environment empowers users across an organization to collaborate and discover hidden insights. This allows users to see their own information in a new light, interactively and easily, leading to new inspired and augmented decisions.

The public-facing social media usage of TrendPhysics is one application of a more general analysis and visualization package; our software can be applied in finance, marketing, media, medicine, business, academic research and a host of other domains.

TrendPhysics itself is built around cross-sectional time series data analysis (known as Panel data) which tracks and compares actors multidimensionally and longitudinally. We express this data with a visualization package of line charts, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, heat maps; each designed to analyze at the individual and comparative level. We further apply our mathematical package, with common descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and machine-learned predictive time-series model to add a quantitative level of analysis.

We wrap these mathematical and textual analysis into this simple interface, which allows a user to build custom datasets using UI elements, group individuals into collections, bookmark relevant pages, and share results with colleagues.

Contact us for more information for custom integration.

The TrendPhysics API

The TrendPhysics real-time API is designed to give scientists, and engineers the ability to integrate TrendPhysics data into their own in-house data solutions, as well as create new products and research.

The TrendPhysics API offers hundreds of curated data endpoints from the major social networks processed through our social media statistical software package. We receive raw social media data and analyze, perform statistics, and aggregate given the user’s parameters. We then offer this processed data to be queried by third-parties, to help save time and effort for scientists and developers downstream.

Functions available in the TrendPhysics web application, such as statistical analysis package functions, aggregating by relative time, segmenting by content type, and querying by text, are applied to the raw data and output in our API. Historical data is also accessible for retrospective analysis. Feature components such as Collections, Labels. Developers are able to access our database via a REST API call

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