
A collection is a group of social profiles designed to make comparing, aggregating, and benchmarking easier.

Collections allow users to segment and drilldown into subsets of their subscribed profiles. Any user can create unlimited collections to use in dashboards, reports, and shared across their team.

Example collections could include a group of all profiles owned by a particular brand, a list of main competitors, or collecting relevant news sources. Agencies use collections to segment profiles related to particular clients.

In Content, Collections can act as a custom stream, allowing you to explore a refined subset of your data. In Analytics, they allow you to compare the same metrics across different groups. Collections serve as the basis for saved reporting features.

The TrendPhysics®® data science team has augmented the free EngageIndex leaderboard with thousands of public Collections so our users can benchmark their performance against industry leaders, similar profiles, and market averages.

Collections created in the TrendPhysics®® application are accessible to developers and data scientists via the TrendPhysics®® API.


  • How do I create a collection?
  • How do I delete profiles from a collection?
  • How do I compare a collection?

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