The EngageIndex

The EngageIndex is our social media ranking system built by an internal team of social media scientists in 2012. The EngageIndex uses the science of TrendPhysics to benchmark profiles on Facebook and Twitter across a variety of metrics – such as profile likes, post engagement, and potential reach – to discover what’s trending, what profiles are best performing, and what topics are next to emerge. We’ve reduced these many variables into a translatable score, the EngageIndex, to make it easy for scientists (and non-scientists) of all levels to more meaningfully interact with the social media data ever present in our world today.

The TrendPhysics EngageIndex is free for everyone to explore, and we encourage those new to social media analytics to use it as an opportunity to better understand the mathematics and types of data in the world around them.

Enterprise users can unlock profiles in our Premium application.

What are post dynamics?

Since 2012 the EngageIndex has been TrendPhysics®’ social media performance scoring system. We continually run analysis on our internal database to develop performance metrics relative to all tracked profiles and provide a singular summary metric that encapsulates the current network prescense of a particular profile or collections of profiles. This includes the estimated reach, interaction and types, listening for the mentions.

Screening against the historical dataset

As scientists, we know that a singular data point can never replace a full analysis. The EngageIndex doesn’t try to, but instead offers an informed summary of the relative activity of a particular profile in the social space.

Real-time business intelligence

Business intelligence can sift through millions of reactions to understand what a competitor might be successful posting. A social media manager may need insight into what content is resonating with their particular audience. A crisis-response team may stream the dynamics of their relevant segment as a timeline to understand the news, and react as it’s developing. The TrendPhysics® data science team uses the dynamics of posts to perform large-scale analysis of social behavior, as well as continually train our machine-learned models.

Free Public EngageIndex Database

Post statistics are available per-minute, and stored for retrospective analysis, exporting, and API access.

TrendPhysics® has been transforming social thinking at businesses, organizations, and universities worldwide since 2012.

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