Post Dynamics

The Post Dynamics tool analyzes every post made by a tracked profile in real-time across a variety of metrics.

The Post Dynamics tool analyzes every post made by a tracked profile in real-time across a variety of metrics. As a piece of content is posted by a brand, we track the audience interaction such as the number of reactions, comments, and shares. The reactions are further granulated by emotion; the comments mined for customer sentiment data; the shares mapped along their network effects.

These data are then compared to previous performance by that particular profile or a Collection to understand how a post has performed relative to the historical dataset. These estimations are the basis of our predictive machine-learning models, allowing us to model the future performance of a post. This information informs decision-makers on what content will lead to the highest return-on-investment when choosing between various content pieces.

Business intelligence can sift through millions of reactions to understand what a competitor might be successful posting. A social media manager may need insight into what content is resonating with their particular audience. A crisis-response team may stream the dynamics of their relevant segment as a timeline to understand the news, and react as it�s developing. The TrendPhysics data science team uses the dynamics of posts to perform large-scale analysis of social behavior, as well as continually train our machine-learned models.

Post statistics are available per-minute, and stored for retrospective analysis, exporting, and API access.

What are post dynamics?

As a piece of content is posted by a brand, we track the audience interaction such as the number of reactions, comments, and shares. The reactions are further granulated by emotion; the comments mined for customer sentiment data; the shares mapped along their network effects.

Screening against the historical dataset

These data are then compared to previous performance by that particular profile or a Collection to understand how a post has performed relative to the historical dataset. These estimations are the basis of our predictive machine-learning models, allowing us to model the future performance of a post. This information informs decision-makers on what content will lead to the highest return-on-investment when choosing between various content pieces.

Real-time business intelligence

Business intelligence can sift through millions of reactions to understand what a competitor might be successful posting. A social media manager may need insight into what content is resonating with their particular audience. A crisis-response team may stream the dynamics of their relevant segment as a timeline to understand the news, and react as it�s developing. The TrendPhysics®® data science team uses the dynamics of posts to perform large-scale analysis of social behavior, as well as continually train our machine-learned models.

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Post statistics are available per-minute, and stored for retrospective analysis, exporting, and API access.

TrendPhysics®® has been transforming social thinking at businesses, organizations, and universities worldwide since 2012.

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