Profile Facebook Benchmarks

The Benchmarks page provides an overall view of a Facebook Profile page. The most important statistic is the number of Page Likes, which gives a proxy for the number of users following a particular Profile. The number of Page Likes on Facebook is, in theory, related to the size of its influence, and by extension, popularity within the world. This is obviously an oversimplification, as Liking a page can represent many different intentions. One thing that is certain, is that profiles are motivated to grow and maintain their Likes, as it offers a quick access audience with low acquisition cost to send advertisements and updates. The more Likes, the larger the potential audience for engagement. The more Engagement, the more potential eyeballs which can turn into Likes.

The Benchmarks page archives four variables from each Facebook profile, each of which will be further explored:

  • Page Likes. The number of Likes a Profile has. This is a proxy for a built-in digital audience, as well as its influence in the world. The number of “Likes” is the foremost measure of a particular Page’s potential influence. It is the most sought-after digital metric, and while potentially not as actionable as engagements themselves, give each
  • Talking About Count Talking About Count. A Facebook metric that aggregates new page likes, mentions, and engagements for a short time frame. The metric is a moving average and can be considered as representing the amount of general activity a particular Page has.
  • Check-ins Facebook users can also tag themselves at a particular place. The Checkins is the total number of users who marked themselves as “Were Here” as well as those they tagged in the post.
  • Were Here Facebook users can also tag themselves as “Were Here” at a particular location. This number is only for the single user who marked themselves as Were Here.

We can follow a Facebook Page’s profile Likes over time on the “Likes” tab.

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