

How it Works

TrendPhysics®® is an enterprise social media analytics platform designed to help teams monitor social content engagement, benchmark performance, and optimize digital strategy on Facebook and Twitter in real-time.

Scientific Social Intelligence

Our AI-powered analytics engine aggregates billions of data points across tens of millions of pieces of branded content over 5+ years, applies rigorous statistical and content analysis, and provides an intuitive collaboration interface to visually analyze, compare and predict the dynamics of social engagement.

Add Your Profiles

Users can add their own social media profiles and benchmark their performance, strategy and spending against industry leaders, peers, and competitors.

Content Discovery Library

A unique branded content discovery library inspires creators to explore successful publishing campaigns, understand audience reaction, and better recommend successful content.

Work Collaboratively

Our collaborative web interface enables teams to organize their work interactively through a rich feature set of data visualizations generated by customized searching, sorting, filtering and annotating across a variety of metrics.

Automation and Dashboards

Users can save and share their insights with collaborators through automated reporting, exporting, alerting, and dashboard tools to save time and better inform the decision-making process.

Free Public EngageIndex Database

For over five years our internal research team has maintained the EngageIndex, a freely available interactive public dataset containing tens of thousands of trending social profiles and historical performance scores, organized by sector for relevant comparisons and analysis.

The EngageIndex distills engagement, content, page performance into a single comprehensive profile performance metric to identify which profiles are trending relative to their peers.

All users are invited to explore the TrendPhysics®®’ social media analysis features using the EngageIndex dataset, and are free to use for their own research projects.

Integrations, Developers and Data Scientists

The TrendPhysics®® API further empowers data scientists and developers to export or integrate our curated database and statistical toolkit into their internal software systems, compare against in-house data, and extend in third-party metrics and applications. Our suite of APIs provide access points processed in the cloud by our profile and post analysis packages, and configured by team members within the interface.

TrendPhysics®® has impacted social thinking at businesses, organizations, and universities worldwide since 2012.

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