
Benchmark against peers, competitors, and industry averages. Create Collections of profiles for custom comparisons

Best-in-Class analytic exploration software. Data visualization and predictive analytics.

The Dashboard smartly summarizes the most engaging posts and profiles across social channels in one place.

  • Add multiple profiles and posts to build comparative graphs
  • Create unlimited collections of profiles for saving comparisons
  • Compare to EngageIndex database of historical performance of tens of thousands of profiles
  • Compare campaigns, posts with post dynamic viewer


Quick and easy comparisons between your brand and a competitor or sector

  • Quick and easy comparisons between your brand and a competitor or sector
  • Create collections of profiles for custom comparisons
  • Track the same metrics as you would on your personal analytics page, but in an easy to compare format
  • Easy to visualize leadership board of the latest EngageIndex movers - Dig deeper into top profiles to discover topics or conversations

Quick and easy comparisons between your brand and a competitor or sector

Create collections of profiles for custom comparisons

Track the same metrics as you would on your personal analytics page, but in an easy to compare format

Easy to visualize leadership board of the latest EngageIndex movers

Dig deeper into top profiles to discover topics or conversations

EngageIndex Free

Priority Inbox Stream

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